
Tuesday 26 March 2013

Qi Nei Tsang "Demon Hunting"

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of participating in a class that taught the practise of a unique type of massage: Qi Nei Tsang. This massage is an ancient practice used by monks to elevate their emotional awareness, and  expand their energy capacity. The massage works on removing past hurts and emotions hidden in our stomach area that have a role in controlling the way we are likely to react to emotional hurt.

Essentially, the stomach is another brain in your body; it has just as many neurons, if not more, than your brain. Your stomach is where you feel emotions; it is also where you remember them, and re-live them, reacting to life and its obstacles according to the “demon” that has been stored in your stomach. The reaction comes about from some point in your life where you learnt how to handle a situation in a manner that may be unbeneficial to you.

If you were a little child and experienced your father abusing your mother, a traumatic emotion would ensue. As a child, with a less developed view of the world, the way you choose to react and process the event is unbeneficial to your long-term happiness. You might decide to become the abuser (unconsciously). From then onwards, you can’t figure out why every man you have a relationship with ends up running. You just can’t seem to make it work, doesn’t he understand that you have all these tests for him to keep failing at because you need to protect yourself? The pattern becomes unconscious, and it can be run on repeat until you decide to make a change. But even when you do, something in your gut, your instincts, push you to react in the same way. That is your demon, that is what you need to face.

Qi Nei Tsang works wonderfully by coaxing these little lumps up from the stomach into the heart area to be experienced fully as the pain and hurt that they truly are, allowing you to release it from your body. I have had success with several demons of my own. I recommend a daily self-care routine which can be done before going to sleep, or when you wake in the morning. All it takes is five minutes to check the health-state of your stomach and become greater attuned to your system. First feel for lumps directly north, east, south, and west on your belly button, then check in between all of those points, basically doing a circle around your stomach. You are feeling for areas that are tight, hurt, or pulsate at a level in which you feel is to strong. Feeling around for these areas is difficult at first, but you will get better with practice as you begin to know your body and understand foreign lumps or emotions. 


You may have pent up anger that you need to massage in your liver area.

Fear affects the kidneys, deeper inside, and the sides of your stomach.

Worry affects your stomach and spleen area, digestion, also your upper left.

Sadness can have a devastating affect on the lungs as well as your lower left sides.

Try massaging your sternum and take a few large breathes while gently vibrating on the area if you feel pain on applied pressure. 

When you start to feel your emotions, let them be, and don't stop there, when one is gone, it may now allow for another to be released from under its clasp.Coming from a chakra perspective the sacral and solar plexus chakras are important for a range of healthy emotions from creativity, sexuality, confidence, power, connection and turning your positives into negatives. Perform this alchemy now with Qi Nei Tsang techniques.
It is my belief that you can see great benefits in your emotional world through this practice, and of course you can always seek more knowledge out for yourself if you want to take it further.

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Reiki Master | Qi Nei Tsang (Stomach Massage) | Student of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine + Tui Na | Japanese Speaker| Crystal Healing| Member and Approved Training provider of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

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