
Thursday, 28 February 2013

Eating to Compliment and Replenish Deficient Yin/Yang

A credit to the artist, Jim Thompson

This post is going to challenge some of the newer ideas about food that, I, myself have been a part of, and have promoted, and still continue to do. By no means is this post going to discourage certain food types, instead if will encourage you to think for yourself, listen to your body and the signs it is trying to portray to you, increasing your own awareness, which is only a good thing right?

In brief, I will go over what Yin/Yang is. Yin and Yang are the energies that drive the earth and helped to create it. Yin is sometimes seen as the feminine, the dark and alluring, the cold, or the shady side of the mountain, it is associated with the earth. Where as Yang is the masculine, the energetic, the go-getting, confidence, or the sunny side of the mountain, it is associated with the sun. These energies cannot exist apart from one another and are interchanging, connecting, complimenting and consuming each other at any given moment. Think of day, yang, and night, yin, there would be no night without day, and no day without night, how could we name either of them or even hold a concept of day/night if the other did not exist.

As human beings, we have both aspects of these energies operating within our body at all times, however one tends to dominate. When we are out of balance we may develop illness, or certain unpleasant characteristics of either type of energy.

When we are healthy most of us a fairly balanced, but here are some very general guidelines to try and help you determine whether or not you have a certain imbalance.


Cold to the touch, easily chilled
Lacking energy
Slow metabolism digestion
Retaining more fluid, sinus issues
Prone to dperession
Shy, quiet, submissive
Unable to give to self, always thinking of others  


Generally warm, prone to fevers
Energetic leading to anger or hyperactivity
Fast metabolism
Easily irritated
Red face, dry skin
Prone to mania

Here is where I am going to tell you to think about your diet. Raw vegetable food diets are all the craze lately and I can see why. Yes uncooked foods hold a lot of nutrients, but think about. If you have overactive yin and not enough yang, how is your system going to get digest and adsorb those nutrients if you have less heat/digestive fire to extract them? And if you are over Yang, how is eating hot meat, a yang food going to calm your aggression?

If we are young, fairly balance and healthy by all means consuming a raw food diet is going to be a very wise, and healthy choice. But if you have a tendency to lean towards more yin, like myself, perhaps its better to think about adding more heat and yang energy to your diet. You will find by adding more yang, you will also increase your metabolism and ability to digest food quickly and healthily. This means while consuming raw vegetables most of the time is completely fine, make sure to add some yang elements to your meals as well. Have some warm soup, some spices, add some cooked eggs or even steam the vegetables a little. While vegetables are predominately yin, cooking them even a little increases their yang.

Here is a very basic list to get you started off with


White Processed Breads 
Pastas and Pastries
Tomato, Potato, Eggplant, Grapefruit, Banana, Pineapple, Peppers, Spinach
Honey, Maple Syrup
Soft Cheeses, Cream, Yogurt, Butter
Beans such as Lentils, Black Beans, Chickpeas
Cucumber, Celery, Sprouts, Peas, Green Beans, Summer Squash, Mushrooms
Whole Grain Noodles
Beets, Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Strawberries, Canteloupe, Apricots, Watermelon Grapes, Oranges, Tangerines, Lemons, Almonds, Walnuts, Rice Syrup, Barley Malt
Raw, cold foods 


Red Meat Fish such as Tuna, Salmon, Swordfish
White meat fish such as Flounder, Bass, Trout 
Whole Grain Flour baked in Bread or Chips
Sea Salt
Miso, Soy Sauce 
Cooked Foods
I hope this introductory post on eating for your energy deficiency is helpful, and will lead you to look deeper into your diet, and your intuition.

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Reiki Master | Qi Nei Tsang (Stomach Massage) | Student of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine + Tui Na | Japanese Speaker| Crystal Healing| Member and Approved Training provider of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

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