
Sunday, 26 May 2013

So You Want Scientific Evidence For The Effectiveness of Reiki?

This essay will aim to examine the core principles and values held in high esteem amongst Reiki practitioners and their community. Reiki is a form of energy medicine first introduced into this world by Dr Usui, a Japanese healer. Dr Usui discovered a process in which he could draw down white healing energy from the universe, through himself as a vessel, and out through his hands to perform body, mental, emotional and spiritual healing, he passed this ability on. This is known today as the attunement process, which involves a Reiki master passing on the Reiki symbols by placing them into a student’s chakras and auric field to begin development as a vessel for Reiki Energy. Reiki ideals hold a valid place in the holistic care of clients suffering from spiritual agitation, loss of direction, stress, anxiety, depression and physical pain. Reiki treatments are also effective at calming cancer patients by helping them to work through their illness on a level of positivity, reducing pain and stress in the body, as well as harmful thoughts from the mind.

Reiki means universal life energy, rei meaning flowing through everything alive, and ki is light, which is also known as prana, mana or energy. (Muller 1995, p.9). Reiki was founded at the end of the 19th century by a Japanese Christian priest named Dr Mikao Usui. Dr Usui first became interested in healing through his study upon the enigma of the secret healings of Jesus. He dedicated his life to obtaining the ability to heal progressing in his studies to discover that Buddha also had the power to heal at a Japanese monastery. After discovering healing symbology within Buddhist scripts he decided to travel to a mountain where he fasted for twenty one days. On the twenty first day healing symbols hit his third eye, today they are known as Reiki symbols which are passed from teacher to student through a process call attunement. (Muller 1995, p.13)

Reiki healing is homage to a beautiful philosophy and set of principles, which drives healers to think larger than just the person they are healing directly. Their everyday way of life is based around kindness, honesty and respect, sending out positive energy wherever they go.

Just for today – Thou shalt not anger

Just for today – Thou shalt not worry.

Be thankful for the many blessings.

Earn thy living with honest labor.

Be kind to thy neighbours. (Muller 1995, p.15)

            Although Reiki is still largely scientifically unknown territory, there have been studies conducted that clinically prove that the energy does have a calming and therapeutic effect, even if the mechanism behind Reiki is yet to be scientifically understood. Baldwin and Wagers and Schartz conducted a study on rats showing Reiki significantly lowers heart rate in stressed and unstressed rats, which some of were exposed to loud noises. A sham group was also included, which had no effect on heart-rate (2008). Reiki is also being embraced by cancer support services all over the world. Velde and Van discuss the anecdotal reports, and beginning research that supports the use of Reiki in providing relief for mental, physical and emotional effects of cancer on patients. 

People to experience Reiki have felt its energizing effects, as well as the balance it brings to their mental and emotional issues. The most commonly reported benefit of Reiki is reduced stress, which has a positive impact on the well-being of cancer patients (2012). An article which discusses the scientific evidence recorded for the effectiveness of Reiki treatments by Baldwin, presents evidence of Reiki increasing activity of vagal nerves in twelve patients recovering from acute coronary syndrome, a disease involving blockages of the arteries. This indicates a relaxation affect which changed heart rate variability. Ultimately, Reiki had a similar effect to the medication taken by patients who have suffered from this type of heart disease (2011). 

            The effects of Reiki can also be seen visually with high frequency photography. This effect was first shown by two Russian scientists who succeeded in photographing the microstructural bioenergetics radiation of the human aura. The photo showed the energetic field of a hand before and after a Reiki treatment, carried out for only a few seconds, the field became bigger and brighter in the second photo (Muller 1995, p151). If stress and pain has been proven to increase anxiety, leading to depression in patients, it can be assumed that Reiki is also effective for treating depression and anxiety, which has been shown to be true. In an experiment including 12 men and 18 women, the patients who received Reiki compared to sham Reiki demonstrated a significant reduction in pain, depression and anxiety experienced in chronically ill patients suffering with different medical conditions. Sessions were conducted twice a week for five weeks and the benefits were still enjoyed three months after completion of Reiki treatments (Baldwin, 2011). Leo also had similar evidence to present in regards to depressed patients, showing evidence that Reiki shifted depressed patients to get out of bed and exercise, which is a major chemistry-shifter (2011).

            Reiki is just beginning to be understood and clinically proven. The centre for Reiki Research upholds excellent standards for the new evidence that emerges in support of the therapeutic effect of Reiki healings. There is no doubt that Reiki is a holistic and gentle way of healing, which encourages the body’s energetic system to repair itself without toxic side effects. Patients who experience Reiki understand the calming affect it can have on body, mind, spirit, even if it is yet to be fully understood by scientists and society. The principles adopted by Reiki practitioners assures that they first heal themselves, which in turn creates a peaceful and positive energetic field around them, and everyone they come in contact with.


A Complete Book of Reiki Healing, Brigitte Muller, Horst Gunther. Life Rhythm, 1995, California .

Baldwin, AL 2011, ‘Reiki, the Scientific Evidence, Reiki News, vol. 10, no.3, pp.28-31, viewed 25 May 2013, < 2048/eds/detail?sid=9903c3c1-e147-4e6c-a9fd-e0cea5ac84d7%40sessionmgr14 &vid=1&hid=3&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=awh&AN=7 8268970>

Baldwin, AL, Wagers, C, Schwartz, GE 2008, ‘Reiki improves heart rate homeostasis in laboratory rats’, Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, vol. 4, no.17, pp.417-22, viewed 26 May 2013, < :2048/eds/detail?sid=34f619a9-af0f-4595-b133-dec97b7be6cb%40sessionmgr 111&vid= 1&hid=104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=rzh&AN=2009938270>.

Leo, V, 2011, ‘Reiki, Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder’, Reiki News, vol. 10, no.4, pp.54-58, viewed 25 May 2013, < http://ehis.ebscohost. com.ezproxy.endeavour. 13&vid=1&hid=3&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzL WxpdmU%3d#db=awh&AN=78281337>.

Velde, D, Van, J, 2008, ‘Reiki improves heart rate homeostasis in laboratory rats’, Reiki News, vol. 11, no.1, pp.27-31, viewed 25 May 2013, < http://ehis.ebscohost. com.ezproxy.endeavour. 13&vid=1&hid=3&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzL WxpdmU%3d#db=awh&AN=78281337>.

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at: 26 December 2014 at 21:32 said...

you are a witch and should be burned at the stake.

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Reiki Master | Qi Nei Tsang (Stomach Massage) | Student of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine + Tui Na | Japanese Speaker| Crystal Healing| Member and Approved Training provider of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

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