We come today to the body, and how you can make it
radiant, take control, and have control of your own happiness.
If you are depressed and have tried every kind of
medication without any progress, yet are still to try out developing a lifestyle in favour of healthy eating and
regular exercise then there is hope for you yet!
For the next 21 days, I am going to detox, detox, detox!
Previously, my posts have been
aimed at producing an article, a piece of writing on a topic that is dear to
me. The next 21 days (or more, who knows, I don’t like to put a limit on a good
thing), the posts are going to be a lot more personal, and hopefully relatable.
Detoxing; it’s something most girls partake in for weight loss, it's an ideal that spiritual guru’s aspire
to, and it's also a process scientists report useless and statistically insignificant. But surely there is no harm in eating mainly from the earth, free of toxins we men have
created, even if it isn't really doing anything at the end of the day, it's certainly not going to hurt you.
To be clean these days, impossible for sure, but we can
certainly do our best to minimize the stress for our bodies.
I have certainly come a long way from the smoking,
dancing fly-trap, partying queen-machine that I used to be. In a few months I have
completely stopped smoking, excessive alcohol
drinking, while increasing my intake of clean and lean foods (as opposed to being a
carb-monster). However, the real journey first began
about a month ago when my sister introduced me to ‘Clean & Lean Diet’ by
James Duigan.
The golden message to take away from that book was (no sugar, minimal
coffee, minimal to no gluten, more raw vegetables, and clean meat such as fish
and white meat, which I avoided anyway as I am Pescatarian).
The two week kick
start was the beginning of a wonderful journey that I know will only continue to evolve over the course of my life. Not only did I feel completely satisfied all the time, my skin cleared
up, I dropped weight with a lot less exercise than usual, and pretty much
nothing could get me down, my eyes even became greener, brighter, sparkly.
So much love I now have for vegetables! Oh how I rarely crave the sweet thing. I know
that even the thought of no sugar is scary, and if you are a massive chemical
junkie which is pretty much (sugar, caffeine, gluten, random chemicals with
names you can’t pronounce lurking in everything we eat), yes, perhaps the kick-start
would be more painful and filled with longing. However, by the end of it, you
would surely see, as well as feel the benefits. I finally got my body to a
place of health it had never tasted before. When the kick-start ended and I
began to indulge again, my body instantly slapped me for it. The sugar, which was once an
addiction and made me happy, now just made my tummy feel yucky, and my mood
drop. So, having tasted sweet, sweet health, I arrive at
now, with a much harsher (or kinder) diet to tackle. The Crazy Sexy Diet.
I have no doubt that Kris Car’s methods will
make me a radiant little flower full of light and sun inside and out, but I am sure that I will
need some motivation getting along.
My beautiful sister (see her page here) again, urged me to
take a look at Kris Car’s ‘Crazy, Sexy, Diet’, and with all it’s beautiful
colours, pretty pictures, and promises of spiritual fulfillment how could a girl
like I resist?
Here I am now, declaring my intent to the world, believing
in positive change for fellow human-beings.
This one is going to be easy for me, I stopped eating all
meat except fish 6 months ago, and I aspire to let the love of my seafood go
forever. I want to gage my mood and vitality without all meat for 3 weeks and
make an informed choice to either ditch it all together, or include it in small amounts.
Why not eat it?
Well here is a couple of reasons you have probably already thought of. But I'll remind you again.
It’s smelly, it’s dead. Your animal was screaming and crying
out in pain, fear and adrenaline flooding its body in that horror-house of an abattoir
before it died, and you are eating all of that. Wouldn’t you rather a
plant? Plants feed on sunlight; don’t you want to be full of sunlight instead
of pain, and horror?
You can get all your vitamins from other sources, which we
Still don’t trust it? Take a multivitamin, it wasn’t
tortured for your greedy and lustful taste buds.
It’s rotting there in your fridge, and still rotting, it
will never stop rotting.
Animals are cute! Animals are completely helpless against our force, instead of choosing to slaughter them mercilessly, doesn't it show greater strength of character to love those that are at our mercy?
Her name is Susu, my cat, and my teacher in all things zen, a true Yogi!
“Humanity's true moral test, its fundamental test, consists of its
attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this
respect humankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so
fundamental that all others stem from it.”
-Milan Kunendra- The unbearable lightness of being-
The planet heats up more from our animal-slaughtering
industry etc etc.
Do you feel so empty inside that you need to endorse the horrible
cruelty that we as living human-beings inflict on other living creatures just for the
satisfaction of your taste buds? What if aliens came and decided to eat
us like cattle just we are to them, the equivalent of what animals are
to us (not smart enough for a right to their life).
Yada yada yada I know, I still eat fish, I’m not perfect
either, but I’ll be a lot better tomorrow than I was today.
If you need to eat meat for medical reasons, are a certain
blood type, ill, or just plain refuse to listen to this. Eat organic meat. Yes,
it’s more expensive, bud some animals had a happier life for your extra $2
dollars. It’s also free of chemicals. Chris explains that some meat or fish is
perfectly fine and healthy to include in your diet, although she would advise
against it of course. If you can’t find organic, just don’t buy it. Organic is
expensive now, but it will only get cheaper if you lend a hand in upping the demand.
A lot easier than it used to be that’s for sure. With my endorsement
of a meat free diet, I also eliminated all dairy from my diet. That is, apart
from cheese of course, although I stopped buying it and eat it at social gatherings. It’s a lot clearer to me
how easily I feel bloated, tired, sniffy, and less at ease if I intake too
much dairy these days, so it’s not proving to be as difficult to refrain from
cheese as I thought.
Instead of milk, try almond milk, oat milk, or rice milk.
These substitutes can seem poor in comparison to some though. I’d try and get
used to it if possible, milk really should stick to making baby calves grow
half their body mass in a matter of weeks instead of us ladies.
Instead of butter, try Nuttelex. You will not miss butter,
Nuttelex is much, much tastier! You can choose from nut butter or olive butter as
Bye-bye Easter eggs!
I don’t need it anymore anyway, eating healthily has given
me much more energy than coffee ever could. I still have a nice cup now and
again, but try to keep away from it. Green tea works!
It certainly is more expensive, I can’t afford it all the
time, being a full-time student. But eating healthy keeps sickness at bay, do
you know how much my old sleeping and depression meds used to cost me a month? Don’t
need those anymore.
I also bought a water-filter today so I can use clean water
for drinking and cooking!
Healthy eating is a life-style, thinking you can-do is also
a life-style. Kris provides daily affirmations, advice on meditation (which I
am a big fan of), yoga (yep, diehard fan) and compassion for others. When you
are more calm and relaxed, you are less likely to want to comfort-eat anyway. A
clear, crisp, focused, and happy mind instinctively knows what foods you really
I am to move my body at least 30 minutes a day, or upto 3
and a half hours a week. Shouldn’t be too hard for me, I enjoy a good run, and
a relaxing yoga session whenever I get the time. (Which I make because being
healthy now, will only create more time for my lifespan in the long run and you know it.)
I am no doctor, or expert, although I'm studying to be one so I can lecture further. You should not stop taking anything that keeps your inner demons at bay, or your cholesterol down, as advised by your doctor. Medication is still a chemical however, and I aim to avoid all of
those for the next 3 weeks.
After dedication to meditation, yoga, and healthy living, my chronic insomnia is slowly getting better. I used
to easily guzzle up to 80mg’s of vallium a night to calm my mind and go to
sleep (that was before tolerance on my very beginning dose). Without it I was awake days, sometimes a whole week at a time. I rarely
use it now. Sleep has been a torture for me ever since I was 5 years old, nothing
makes me happier than being able to fall asleep most nights on my own, by a
reasonable time, enabling me to wake earlier and make more out of my beautiful
day. I will however take my medication if it is really needed, no point it a
great diet anyway if my brain isn’t recovering at night.I will keep you updated on all toxin's I succumb to, then you will forgive me for it.
Make lots of it! I will have to tackle a big glass of veggie
juice everyday. I will toughen up and get used to it if my body loves the
attention it brings. I do not however, have the funds for a juicer, or a
blender right now, so I am just using my house-mates hand-held blender. This
makes more of a smoothie, but it also retains all the fiber found in the skin
of the vegetables.
Kris provides recipes enough for the journey, with juices,
salads, and meals included. I went for my first shop today, and love the look of my living fridge right now!
My aims are to post as much as possible, keep in touch with
you, and report progress in all areas, including my:
Weight lost
Skin, hair, nails
Eye Clarity and intensity
Working full time, and studying full time leave me with
little free-time, but I will do what I can and certainly keep you updated.
I hope you get on board with me from day one! But if not, I
hope that when you track my progress that you also gain a little curiosity, and try it out for
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