Fear of failure, perfection anxiety,
social disharmony, and avoidance have ruled your thought patterns long enough.
try for a week to stop looking at our failures, and instead record our successes,
however small they may be.
goals, and recording when you have succeeded, whilst acknowledging and praising
yourself is one of the most powerful
ways to bring more power back into your life. It gives you time to focus on
what you can do, rather than what you
can’t. If you are an anxious or depressed person, days and nights can all swirl
into a blur, becoming one big meaningless mess. It becomes hard to determine
how it ever wasn’t meaningless, why it isn’t meaningless, or if it ever won’t
be meaningless. Your mind has pulled you under water, lead you into a trap, and
every new day spent trying to swim through all the emotions and thoughts
further aid your feeling of hopelessness. Here is where it becomes important to
understand that even if everything outside is beyond your control, you can at
least take control of yourself and feel something amazing again.
it slow to begin with; the best bet is always to make sure you are healthy so
you have plenty of energy to tackle the goals that will follow. See, wanting to
get fit and add some exercise into your everyday routine is going to be hard if
you are they type that finds it hard to get out of bed till after noon. Notice
how any of your current habits may be blocking your goal success and try and
break them with new ones that make you feel happier, confident, and more
powerful. This is to make sure that we do our best to succeed in any goals we
may set.
ahead and set a goal you know you can do tomorrow to add meaning and positivity
to your day.
you are going to work, don’t focus on the fact that you hate the job and your
day is going to be miserable, instead focus on what you can do to make it
better for yourself, or for someone else, because it is true that compassion
will help bring you happiness. Even if your goal is as simple as talking to a
co-worker and sharing conversation with them, when you achieve it and set out
to do what you said you were going to, you will feel more powerful and positive
about your day, making you more eager to try again the next day, and the day
after that!
everything that makes you smile! Go out and buy a note-book so you can decorate
it with anything you value, such as your friends, your interests or your goals!
Every day write down when someone says something good about you and try and
give them a meaningful compliment in return.
down the tiniest and simplest thing you create, like a new recipe, a new song,
a new drawing. Make this book a place to read everything you have felt positive
about achieving. Also turn it into a place to record progress towards current
goals. You will see that the more that you achieve, and remember you have
achieved, the more you may learn about yourself and what you want out of your
to shake off your failures, and forget the days you didn’t quite get through
everything you intended to and tell yourself that you will do better next time.
yourself is a skill to build upon and the less you worry about not being able
to achieve the things you want in life, the less you avoid becoming fearful of
your desires. Fear of your desires and dreams comes from your rooted belief you
will never get them, and therefore should settle with something else, something
less, something meaningless to you.
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