
Thursday, 26 April 2012

Feeling It

“I am calm and light. I am peaceful and easygoing. I find beauty in simplicity” 
– Kris Carr’s affirmation for day 7

Day 7 Weigh In: 77.7 kg’s 

Mood: Dull
Hair Skin Nails: Skin is now completely blemish free, my eyes are whiter and greener, my hair seems to be fully of life

Perhaps I am hitting the detox blues around this point in time. I am feeling more tired than usual (especially my muscles), I find it harder to wake up in the morning, some days I have stayed in bed all together.With my university and work commitments, I have found it hard to muster up energy or drive to even write a post.I will see how I go in the next few days, but I will add back in some eggs to the diet if I continue to feel a lack of energy. I am finding no motivation for the gym in the last few days, but I keep up with my Yoga every day. Once again I will urge everyone to try and take up Yoga and incorporate it into their lives somehow.

Tomorrow is a juice fast day – Wish me luck.

Selected meal + Juice preparation photos

This juice includes apples, spinach, lemon, cucumber, ginger, lettuce, celery, fennel

My juice chilling out in the morning sun, doesn't it look magical?

Prep for a bean patty: olive oil, cumin, tamari, beans, onion, sweet potatoes, Polenta

Remember to stick to your goals as much as possible when you eat out.
I enjoyed a beautiful vegetarian burrito on its own in a bowl with my
sister last week, was a wonderful evening and I didn't feel guilty for
eating poorly afterwards ;)

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Reiki Master | Qi Nei Tsang (Stomach Massage) | Student of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine + Tui Na | Japanese Speaker| Crystal Healing| Member and Approved Training provider of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

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