really be ready to move on, and develop a healthy sense of self-worth it is
required you work on inner-clarity, which my previous posts will help you with.
genuinely hope all of you worked on getting rid of the addiction you have for
your resentment and have chosen to
surrender to consciousness and finally WAKE UP.
Are you confident?
a question we have asked ourselves over and over. Those of us who have learned
how to interact well socially, already know that people are naturally drawn to
confident people. It’s also easy for us to recognize who is and who isn’t
self-confident by the way they carry themselves: posture, facial expression, and
stride. So, those of us who wanted to succeed socially have certainly worked on
our self-confidence outwardly.
did you go about trying to present yourself confidently? Did you practice your
smile in the mirror? Did you spend all your money on great clothes? Have you
chosen to dress well and create a perfect scenario around yourself such as a
great house, perfect job, generous amount of money, a lean and fit body and the
perfect partner to go with it?
must be confident. Actually you must be happy! I am happy for you too!
Why self-worth is so important
think about the following, and don’t do it with anger or attachment to your
current beliefs, take some deep breaths and relax, feel what emotions
your body puts you through when you consider the following; what happens if
your perfect partner leaves you for someone else? What if you lose that job?
Even worse what if our economy fails or the whole current system we have for
everything falls through because it just isn’t working anymore, or, money
becomes nothing all together? You lose your job, you lose your house. You
probably lose all those friends you tried so hard to win with those outside
achievements (as they were just as superficial as you were), and now you have
lost your self-worth.
if all this doesn’t make you want to wake up to reality then you can be sure of
this, you will age! Your body will deteriorate! And there will come a time
where you can either choose to be resentful towards others because of all you
have lost from your youth, or wake up to a higher consciousness in life.
I am not one to tell you to worry about anything drastic happening in your
life. Because why worry about something when it is not even there, it’s a
ghost, just a thought your mind has created to keep you tense and stressed, it’s that basic underlying ego
that drives most humans and animals to survive. But, what I asked you to
consider was all meant to prove a point: at one stage all material and outside
things will cease to exist, but that doesn’t mean your energy and radiance have
to at all.
Ways to build true
of your inner worth and value like any other muscle in your body, it can be
strengthened, and it can be weakened. You can’t pop out to the gym and expect
to run 5km’s if you have never even set foot in one before can you? Just like
your muscles, your mind and your soul are also either weak or strong. You need
to work at your confidence every day and keep it up to make it a strong muscle.
Even if that muscle may get sore at times, it will take a while of neglect for
it to go back into reverse. Your negative self-image took all your life to
build, so it’s going to take some time and dedication to make it healthy and
strong again. Like anything else, aim to keep your inner-soul strong, and aim
to be on a level conscious of your higher self. Don’t let yourself be trapped
by your mind or your body! Because you own your body, and you run your mind!
You are the one that sets limitations on yourself, not the universe, not your
soul. Do you really think any successful person in life whom contributed to
society got ahead and was able to make a difference by constantly thinking “I CAN’T DO THIS”, no, of course not,
they made a difference because they chose to take responsibility for their own
head, wash away their fears of failure, stand tall and proud and tell
themselves and everyone around them no matter how much they were laughed at, “I CAN DO ANYTHING”.
start with some basic ways to create an ideal positive environment you can
start to allow yourself to shine in
*Positive self-talk: Most people know this as “affirmations”,
I remember the doubt (negativity I have since gotten rid of) I encountered when
first told about the power of affirmations from my sister. However having
studied psychology, it is known that depression develops not only from a
chemical imbalance, but from years of training your brain into negative self-talk.
When we go to a psychologist, we learn to retrain our brain with positive
self-talk. This really does work, and even if you believe it won’t, how can affirming
yourself in a deeply relaxed state that you are beautiful and can, going to hurt you anymore than
telling yourself you are unlovable and can’t
do anything. I admit that the negative state is safe, and in that state you can
blame everything else around you for the reason you can’t do anything. However,
you will find so much more inner-satisfaction when you wake up and become
responsible than any other self-detrimental addictions can give you (which are
only temporary anyway!). Don’t get stuck in a state that considers the past and
the future instead of the now. You
are helpless to change the past, and kidding yourself if you think you can
control situations in the future, but in the now you have complete control to choose to follow whatever path you
But as long as you are working towards
what you want daily you can’t ever really fail.
Your goals may change as you grow older and come into yourself and discover
that you really want something else out of life, but that does not mean that
you failed achieving the previous goal. Make sure to let go any of that clutter
and focus solely on what you want in this moment.
· Developing a relationship with your body:
Learn to listen to it,
nourish it and make it healthier. Exercising makes you feel more confident, and
also releases happy-feeling chemicals in your brain, because it’s good for you! Eating unhealthily doesn’t
make your body happy either. The healthier you get, and the cleaner you choose
to eat, the easier it will be for you to recognize that you are out of balance.
Your body will start to cry and let you know when you eat something it doesn’t
want, it will ache when it needs a massage or some TLC, and the less your brain
will tell you that you want to be lazy, and eat a bunch of crap.
· Friendships: You are what you eat and you are who you
choose to devote time to. If you have friends that start to get resentful
towards your new success (even if it’s just within yourself) and try to pull
you down to an unconscious state again. Remove yourself! People who try to
block your shine aren’t doing it intentionally; their ego wants to attack you
for making them look bad (which is in their own head again). With time and ease
some people can be shown that they have power over their own lives and
emotions, but they have to want that
power first. Unfortunately for most people the dawn only comes after the
darkest hour. Make sure the friends you choose to hang out with are positive,
and encourage your self-development and respect your feelings. Bitter,
resentful, blaming, irresponsible, and drama-seeking persons rarely change, although you may love them dearly and understand they are truly crying out for change
inside, you can’t force them. Being with such people is only going to drain
your energy and time!
GOALS: Even when living in the now, knowing your self-worth, and
radiating warmth and love to others, the hardest thing you will ever do in your
life is try to discover what it is you really want. I mean really want. Ask yourself these questions even if you are currently
pursuing a goal. What is really going to bring you happiness day in and day
out? If you are in a job that you despise, of course you aren’t going to be
happy. But don’t sit there and complain about it because that never helped
anyone become successful and fulfilled, figure out how you can change it. If
you are currently studying, make sure it’s what YOU want to do, it’s your life
and you will have to live in it every day, so don’t aim for a career that looks smart/amazing to other people,
your parents, or someone important, do something that feels good to you.
If you aren’t really sure, or the bigger
picture is fuzzy and incomplete to you that’s okay too, start with small things
and make sure to write them down in
present tense, make sure they are healthy and achievable goals. If you are
a baby-steps person, do it in baby steps. Do you smoke and want to quit? The
fact is if you smoke because you are addicted but hate the fact you do every
day, then you are only lowering your self-worth, as well as hurting your body,
and telling your mind that you are a victim and are controlled by your
addictions, this can affect your view on everything else as well. Do you want to lose some weight and become healthier? Incorporate
better foods into your diet? Do you simply just want to give out some happiness
and love out to others for now and become a more considerate person (which is a
greatly fulfilling activity to engage in).
Go ahead and write all your current goals
for yourself down.
I no longer enjoy putting
the harsh chemical of nicotine into my body and have stopped smoking
I now enjoy 30 minutes of exercise four times a week
I feel healthier, stronger,
and slimmer every day
I am a more considerate person and feel great helping others
Look at your goals list every night, and
tell yourself you can do it. Get relaxed, meditate, and visualize all these desires falling
into place for you. Know completely that you are in control of your life, and
what you choose to do with it. Don’t be surprised if you start to find
happiness. When you complete a goal, even a tiny one, you are flooded with
positive emotions, you feel great about yourself (not because you now look
good), but because you took self-control of your habits and eating, and because
you feel healthy! You didn’t do it for anyone but yourself, and that truly
feels great.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for
choosing to be a shining light in this world. The more light we shine out, the
less darkness there will be covering our planet. Evil is only the absence of
good. To discover your self-value, and learn to be present is to wake up to a
higher conscious way of living, yes it means taking responsibility, but it also
means great power in yourself, and your ability to change whatever you want for
the better!
at: 23 January 2012 at 04:13 said...
Absolutely beautiful.
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