Before trying to tackle anything else in your life, you
should really try and tackle your body. Why is this? For the same reasons you
have been hearing your whole life, moving your body is good for you! It makes you happy!
And it makes your body happy. When your body is happy and strong, your mind
starts to follow.
If you’ve had trouble with your fitness all your life, don’t
worry, you aren’t alone. But why not be better tomorrow then you are today? Ditch
the past failures because they aren’t real anymore, your mind is simply telling
you they are with memories.
Don’t let your mind rule you.
Not exercising has nothing to do with your body or soul; it
has to do your mind and ego. It’s anxiety, its catastrophising
of the future. For example, did you plan to get up this morning and move your
body before work? But when you woke up you ultimately gave in to your mind, “it’s
better if I sleep more”, “I’ll make up for it tomorrow”, “I cannot be bothered”.
We all relate to this. The problem with being trapped in your mind is that it
keeps you in a false sense of fear,
and keeps you believing in a imagined past or future. If you are always
listening to your mind, then you aren’t living in the now. Don’t you think that’s
crazy, why live in your head and memories, or anxieties when you can actually
be here and present this moment. The moment is the only thing you can control
for the better of the worse.
Exercising is a great way to help alleviate your minds
anxiety. Sure it isn’t going to happen overnight, but something wonderful and enlightening will start to happen when you give love to your body.
You start to feel, instead of think. When you start to pay more
attention to your body and how it feels, you start to be free of your head and
all the thoughts creating that debilitating fear. You become empowered, for now
you are telling your body what it can and can’t do, not your head.
There is nothing more important in the first few steps for
building happiness and self-confidence. Even if it’s hard to begin with, the
rewards you will be reaping will not only help you to achieve your own full
potential, but it will motivate others around you to achieve theirs as well!
What is more rewarding than shining out your light to others? Nothing!
The only thing keeping you from moving your body is your own
head; your ego creates a false sense of fear, time, and pain around the thought
of it. This is only so you can try to find some way deep down to justify why
you are being lazy. Why do you think you went to this much trouble to do this unconsciously?
Because unconsciously, you know, that this is what your body needs and wants,
yet you are choosing to give no attention to it at all.
You don’t have to become a marathon runner overnight. The
goal here is to create a healthy habit. Research suggests it only takes a month
to build a habit. Make sure you start slow if you feel you are going to be
defeated by your anxiety, if you are taking it easy for a month it will be
easier to maintain so you can form a healthy habit.
Why do you think runners do it?
Because the feeling is exhilarating,
empowering, and nothing compares to
the feeling of freedom it gives you.
I recently discovered running. My whole life it seemed unattainable.
The most I could manage to achieve was one minute at a time! Every time I tried
I would just get tired, angry, and annoyed, I’d tell myself I couldn’t do it,
and never would, then I gave up.
But you can do it! And why not you? Why should other people
be able to run and not you? The thought is insane! Don’t give it any fuel.
The key is to slowly but surely build up your strength and
endurance so you are able to run for longer and faster.
You can do it! If you are overweight – YOU can do this! Even if you are a smoker you can do this!
The website gives you a steady plan to slowly increase your
fitness every week. To secure your fitness, and level-up easier the next week,
you must complete at least 3 days on each level. Please don’t let the two days
you already did be a waste! Aim for four if you can, but remember that running
is, at first a little stressful on the body and knees, therefore, there must be
adequate rest days, especially if you feel the burn!
Remember to affirm yourself! Always keep your healthy goals
close to you, whether in a notebook, your head, or a lovely collage above your
bed! I also find the deep and conscious state you get into when you are running
is a great time to tell yourself you can do it, that you can do that other goal
you have been planning too, and also that you are irresistible beautiful and
If you aren’t achieving the goal as fast as you want to, don’t
be discouraged and throw in the towel. It is okay to take it at your own pace.
If you are steadily improving every week, your mind will start to speak the
language of success “I CAN DO IT!” and your confidence will rise in all aspects
of your life. You will steadily start to see success in other areas of your
life, I promise you this!
Make sure to stay hydrated and run on a light or empty
stomach if you can.
Within three weeks I had started to feel the benefits of
running, therefore the habit forming was easy and delightful.
It’s a powerful and exhilarating feeling when you and your
body start to work as one, and it easily achieves a feat you never imagined
possible. When you begin to treat your body kindly, it will start to treat you
more kindly.
I hope by the next time I post you are all treating your
body with more kindness.
You are becoming more healthy and energetic every day. You
are filling yourself with the energy of the universe and achieving vitality!
"After hundreds of days of running 50+ km, the monks begin a fast: nine
days in a fixed meditation position (sitting full or half lotus, back
straight) without water, food, or sleep. It is believed that by
bringing the body so close to death, the monks will develop a greater
appreciation and sensitivity to life, being able to “hear ashes fall
form incense sticks, smell and identify foods from miles away and see
the sun and moonlight seep into the interior of the temple."
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