
Friday, 4 January 2013

What Is Reiki?

Since undergoing my journey with Reiki and becoming a qualified practitioner, I am faced with the question ‘What is Reiki?’ by most people I come into contact with. Naturally, observers can become quite fascinated when they see me relax and put hyper animals animals or people to sleep before their eyes and want to understand the process.

Reiki has become an important practice to me. So far, it has helped me overcome many physical, spiritual, mental and emotional barriers. It wasn't easy, and there have been days where I have cried and wanted to curl up into a ball when faced with releasing a part of myself that hasn't been serving me, but I have made more steps towards discovering myself, and what I am here to do, as well finally understanding and being capable of visualising how to reach my goals in the past six months than I have in my entire life. Since becoming Reiki attuned and becoming a channel for the energy my life has started to make more sense to me, every word I speak, every decision I make, and even the friends I meet seem to be pushing me towards my divine life purpose. Therefore I naturally find great joy in sharing and explaining to others how Reiki "Energy Medicine" can benefit their lives as well. 

Let's get down to business, what is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese form of Energy Medicine. If you are confused with the concept of 'energy' think of your local Acupuncturist. Acupuncture works by stimulating certain energy points in the body, increasing the flow of energy by balancing or unblocking these points. This benefits the client by increasing blood flow, oxygen and energy to the muscles, joints and organs which aids in alleviating pain and stiffness, easing up the breath, increasing memory and concentration and finally generating a sense of well being. The principle with Reiki is virtually the same apart from two differentiating factors. Reiki is non-invasive. I don't even have to put my hands on your body if you don't want me to (although why opt out of that?). Secondly, Reiki is energy from the universe which flows through me, a Reiki channel to you. The energy enters your body and helps to release blocks, pain or disturbance in the body in a gentle manner.


You will become extremely relaxed by the energy, or you may even fall asleep. You may feel static in some areas or heat while I am working. You may see certain colours, textures or feel certain feelings while being worked on. One of my clients saw a door slamming shut in their face. We interpreted this as a part of her mental process that was being eliminated for good.


I also become quite relaxed and content by the end of the session. I may feel directed to place my hands somewhere that is needed for you. I see many colours and symbols. My hands heat up tremendously and clients can feel the heat penetrating their body when my hands are a couple of inches above them. I also feel static electricity and am magnetically attracted to certain parts of the body that require more attention. My hands also feel bubbles where the energy is overactive and requires balancing. I feel the throbbing of energy on your body and can feel certain energy points being connected. My sensitivity increases with every person I treat.


A treatment usually lasts up-to an hour, although your Reiki practitioner may go a little longer if they feel it would benefit you. A Reiki practitioner can also heal you from a distance at your request and through the use of symbols can request that the energy repeats for as long as they desire. After a treatment with myself, I may feel that the energy should repeat on the hour, every hour for the next few days.


A treatment with a Reiki master could cost you anywhere between $50-100 dollars. Prices could be higher depending on the experience of the Reiki Master.

It is my wish that everyone goes to at least one Reiki healing session in their life to experience the benefits. I hope this article has explained some of the questions that may pop into your mind should you come across Reiki and help you to make an informed decision about whether a Reiki energy session would be beneficial to you.


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Reiki Master | Qi Nei Tsang (Stomach Massage) | Student of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine + Tui Na | Japanese Speaker| Crystal Healing| Member and Approved Training provider of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

Spirituality | Awareness | Awakening | Evolution | Health | Energy Medicine | Ancient Medical Practices | Healing | Healthy Cooking | Self-development | Yoga + Fitness | Animals | Natural Beauty


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