
Monday 15 July 2013

Chakra Balancing

This post will focus on techniques to calm, quieten, balance, and connect energies between two chakras with your hands. There are major vortexes of energy in seven places in your bodies. These areas have hundreds to thousands of other meridians flowing in and out with blood and nutrients and chi. Prolonged experiences of heightened emotional states damage these areas and can cause them to become overactive, blocked, or a distorted shape.

When you first begin, it is important to quieten your mind and body so you can begin to feel emotions and energy run through each chakra point. You may experience different emotions in each area as you place your hands on your skin, and begin to focus on the energy that is present there. Some people will instantly  feel a buildup of emotion, some people may feel nothing, indicating weakness or blockage (so much emotion you can't even begin to feel it all at once, which is causing your block). To help release this energy, the key is to feel it in your body, buzzing and vibrating, your hands can help this along the way.

The key to an awakening on any level is working through all the emotions that hide in your body, feeling them with absolutely no judgement, memories of the past, or attachments to the future present. There may be heavy pain present in your body, this can come from past lives, inherited pain from your parents, and accumulated pain that you have adsorbed from others in your life. Some people are born with heavier pain than others, some adsorb it much easier than others. Either way, the more pain you have to feel, the more presence you will develop, if you decide to let go of all the reasons and thought forms and beliefs you have attached to that pain.

I experienced my own awakening through this method of sitting and cradling my chakras, focusing deeply on the aliveness within my body, until one day I felt an explosion of emotion and energy running from the tips of my toes to crown of my head. It hasn't always been easy, some days I go through incredible pain, but this is part of the process. The more I experience, the easier my heart opens and smiles with compassion for life on this planet.

To open up clear communication in your chakras, is to evolve in all ways. All it takes to connect up your chakras is to place your right hand on one chakra and the left hand on the other. It takes about  three minutes for the energies to connect. Its usually best to start at the base and work up. You will start to learn when the chakras are connected because your fingers will bring it to your awareness through an electric tingling sensation beginning in your hands.


Sometimes, repressed emotion needs to be coaxed to release itself. There are different ways this energy can be coaxed up, but if you are a shy person, the energy needs to feel supported by you! If you have a lover, they might be able to pull this out of you. Certain friends in peoples lives will support the release of your energy and creativity, but at the end of the day your consciousness and awareness is enough to bring up this energy. Cradle your chakra, hold it, shhhh it, if you are experiencing the negative manifestation of energy within. At the end of the day, if your chakra is grumpy, you are grumpy. The most common reason for a grumpy energy centre, is because it feels it's unable to express and experience some kind of emotion. Dancing and singing can help you with this as well.


Your Sacral is where you experience your sexuality, creativity and connection to others. For this chakra to fully flower it is imperative that it receives information that flows up from the base, which is the message of security, connection to your environment, manifestation, and a sense of calm that comes from feeling at home wherever you go. 



Your Solar is where your confidence, power, and energy grows, it is important that the Solar feels supported by the ground, that it understands you have the power to choose your how you perceive your emotions and reality. It's desire and motivation to create must be fueled from your sacral. Your Sacral must be happy and free of negativity, resentment, and guilt, in relation to other people in your life so the Solar doesn't develop immature ways of trying to increase your power in the world, or worse, develop unhealthy low-self esteem and victim complexes. 



Connection of Solar Plexus to the Heart, will allow your heart to open up and show more love for others with confidence and self-love. This can be achieved without losing your power or giving away your energies to the others.



To establish a clear creative voice, it is imperative to make sure the creative energies of your Sacral Chakra can move and flow easily unhindered up to the Solar, Heart, then Throat. Feeling love for others, and yourself, will stimulate the perfect balance of hearing and understanding  when it comes to the truth of others, while still desiring to speak and spread your own truth. 


If your lower chakras have evolved correctly through the course of your life, your upper chakras will begin to unfold. It is imperative that your lower chakras are first intelligent enough to support the unfolding of conciousness within you. Visions from the third eye can cause paranoia, and symptoms similar to  schizophrenia if the the lower chakras aren't communicating properly with it. It is great to have all the wisdom and seeing of the universe, but if you aren't grounded, confident, and able to enjoy the present moment on earth with love, you will never be able to see your visions manifested into the physical realm.

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Reiki Master | Qi Nei Tsang (Stomach Massage) | Student of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine + Tui Na | Japanese Speaker| Crystal Healing| Member and Approved Training provider of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

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