
Tuesday, 14 February 2012

4 Quick Tips for Radiant Skin You May Not Know

See results within seven days or even sooner!

This post is about giving love to one of your most important assets, your skin! It’s great to have healthy and radiant skin. One could say it is even the firm foundation for beauty to be built upon. No lady could ever say that she wasn’t extremely flattered to receive a compliment regarding the condition of her skin. 

The following are some well-kept (tips), or even what I like to think of as secrets. They are so beneficial and drastically improved the condition of my skin within days. These tips are cheap, natural, and healthy ways to help your skin reach its full potential!

Tip #1 – Cold water showers

Try and finish your shower off with 30 seconds – a minute of cold water. Warm/hot water opens your pores and therefore is ideal for cleansing. With the pores open the cleaners can get in and help wash out all the dirt remaining inside, so do give your skin a good scrub under warm water. Cold water however, has the opposite effect of closing your pores. The first benefit to rinsing with cold water is closing the pores so the skin tightens and further entry of dirt to the skin obstructed. You will know when the cold water has taken its affect, you will be able to feel your skin tighten and firm underneath your fingertips. The next benefit helping increase circulation throughout your body. Helping the body receive more blood and oxygen, helps the organs out, aids in ridding toxins and helps create a cleaner and fresher you! These truths are also so for your hair, and making time for cold showers will strengthen your hair over time and prevent breakage while also adding more shine!

Tip #2 – Dry brushing

A good dry brush may set you back $20.00 dollars, but they are worth it. I found a good quality one at the Body Shop, but I have also seen them in chemists labeled as “cellulite brush”. The bristles on the brush are meant to be firm, so although it may be tough on sensitive skin at first, you will soon grow to love the benefits. 

Dry brushing is best done before your shower, and the benefits are numerous. It aids in detoxification, by draining toxins from lymph nodes on body and increases circulation. Blood flow and oxygen helps give your skin that radiant and glowing look you may notice after a great workout. Dry brushing removes dead skin cells and therefore will certainly soften your skin drastically. It aids in tightening muscles and removing (but mostly) preventing further cellulite build up, a healthy diet and keeping hydrated will speed this process along. If you don’t believe  that something so simple can have such a drastic input to your healthy circulation, toxin removal, and cell renewal in your body try it for yourself. After doing a dry brush you will feel a buzz all over your body,  for a few minutes or even up to an hour. This is when you know your body is working wonders for your organs, draining toxins, and circulating so well that your body just has to let you know that it is pleased!

Because a good dry brush does indeed has great influence over your blood flow, realize that it can be hard on your heart to brush opposite to the body’s natural direction of circulation (this will put strain on the heart to pump the blood up), so from tummy downwards make sure to brush in upward sweeping motions, as if you were helping the blood jump up to your heart. It’s okay to go sideways on your stomach/back and for the areas above your chest.

You only need to dry brush up to once a week to notice benefits, but I aim for every second day, the buzz and uplift I get from putting in the time are worth it anyway!

Tip #3 – Where has coconut oil been all my life?

For those of you who discovered coconut oil at a younger age, you are wise indeed. Ladies, with some pure coconut oil, no-longer will you have need for any other moisturizer (loaded with chemicals anyway), or hair treatment ever again.

Coconut oil has taken over my whole regime, and no longer do I  need to moisturize with any other product. Coconut oil has contributed to the smoothest, shiniest, and most radiant skin I have ever been gifted with in my whole life. 

You can buy this miracle oil at any health food store for quite cheap (it’s best to buy coconut oil that you can use for cooking as well, virgin), because ingesting coconut oil will also aid in becoming more radiant, and no-one complained about a drop of sweet coconut oil with their stir fry’s or rice. 

I noticed a decrease in scarring and blemishes on my skin in a couple of days. Now I am completely astounded to see that most of my scars have completely vanished within less than a month of use. It's easy to see just how dramatized moisturizer's promises for more toned skin and scar removal were, compared to seeing a natural oil work within a few days.

Say goodbye to your expensive hair treatments for coloured hair as well, once trying even a little coconut oil in your hair once a week for at least 30 minutes, you will be wondering where it has been your whole life. A preservative and chemical free alternative to your skin care and hair care, just seems too good to be true right? Go ahead and try for yourself!

Tip #4 – Diet and hydration

It is common sense than your skin will seep out toxins. The more junk food you eat, and alcohol you drink the more likely your skin is going to push it out and therefore cause blemishes on your skin. So for best results, drink a lot, and eat clean, lean, and green!

A routine that works for me!

So give it a go and see how it feels for you!

After a good workout where I have certainly started my blood flowing well, I head to the bathroom for a thorough dry bush (10 minutes), I then have a shower under warm water where I take special care to scrub all over my body with some lovely smelling cleanser. After the ritual is complete I stand under cold water for as long as feels sufficient to me. It can be very relaxing and invigorating to feel the cold water droplets all over your body and head.

After showering and towel drying vigorously (to further get blood pumping) I apply a generous coat of coconut oil. No other products needed! Keep that routine up for a week and I promise you will look and feel great!

Remember to spread the love and message along to your friends who have not yet come across these simple methods for radiant skin.

Thanks for reading,


at: 24 March 2012 at 21:49 said...

I tried doing this and it really really worked! My skin looks great and i feel great as well. thank you so much! xx

Unknown says:
at: 17 April 2012 at 16:06 said...

that's wonderful to hear! x

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